KADI - Pouring Rain

Название:Pouring Rain
Размер:7.61 Мб
Дата:25 сентябрь 2020

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Текст песни KADI - Pouring Rain

Approach fear discuss my patience I was never too close I face what they can't and never should to wake up I've seen a million times What they call freaks In mess They sleep and dance They sleep and dance Hey, am I way too numb Too feel the rain Ils disent tous ça Hey, am I way too numb Too feel the rain Ils disent tous ça Hey, am I way too numb Too feel the rain Ils disent tous ça Hey, am I way too numb Ils disent tous ça Pouring rain I ain't got no way Pouring rain I ain't got no way To the good old days Let the mirror talk Let the mirror tell To the good old days Let the mirror talk Let the mirror tell I know you too well Let you inside my chest I know intentions as well But not too well to keep them For too long in my head See how you'll go to bed Begging God for a chance A chance to get back Don't need followers It gets worse Heart hurts Fuck words See dirt Last thoughts Accept the thruth, yo Don't want to let you down Don't want to let you down Hey, am I way too numb Too feel the rain Ils disent tous ça Hey, am I way too numb Too feel the rain Ils disent tous ça Hey, am I way too numb Too feel the rain Ils disent tous ça Hey, am I way too numb Ils disent tous ça Pouring rain I ain't got no way Pouring rain I ain't got no way To the good old days Let the mirror talk Let the mirror tell To the good old days Let the mirror talk Let the mirror tell Pouring rain… I ain't got no way Pouring rain… I ain't got no way To the good old days Pouring rain… I ain't got no way Pouring rain… I ain't got no way To the good old days Pouring rain

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