13Kai - Lost Between the Stars

Название:Lost Between the Stars
Размер:5.80 Мб
Дата:02 октябрь 2020

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Текст песни 13Kai - Lost Between the Stars

Lost between the stars Save me now I see the edge Lost between the stars Save me now I see the edge Take you out of my head Take you out of my head We are where the road ends And I can see that you had enough Trip in wana press rewind And I wont fuck up this time I can not lie you fire I can not look you in the eyes Melting my heart from ice Your like a six if im rolling the dice Vampire kiss on the neck took my soul Your playing games while im falling in love She just playing with my soul She just playing with my soul Easy like its tic tac toe She dont wana let me go Lost control and I had enough Waiting for the sun to shine Lost control but I feel alive Loosing all whats good inside Lost between the stars Save me now I see the edge Lost between the stars Save me now I see the edge Take you out of my head Take you out of my head We are where the road ends And I can see that you had enough

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