Oliver Tree, Little Big - You're Not There

Исполнитель:Oliver Tree, Little Big
Название:You're Not There
Размер:4.55 Мб
Дата:01 октябрь 2021

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Текст песни Oliver Tree, Little Big - You're Not There

[Verse 1: Oliver Tree] My heart broke, it's been awhile since we spoke I lost hope, now I'm feeling like a joke You're not there Who the hell said life was fair? You're not there This is more than I can bear [Chorus: Oliver Tree] You're not there Who the hell said life was fair? You're not there This is more than I can bear [Verse 2: Sonya] I walk through the darkest alleyway Bury my body in a shallow grave I can't help but feel out of place (I miss your face) [Chorus: Oliver Tree & Little Big] You're not there Who the hеll said life was fair? You're not therе This is more than I can bear [Verse 3: Ilich] My life sucks, since I lost you life's been rough That door shut, like I lost a million bucks You're not there You're not there [Chorus: Oliver Tree & Little Big] You're not there Who the hell said life was fair? You're not there This is more than I can bear You're not there

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