Niall Horan - Finally Free

Исполнитель:Niall Horan
Название:Finally Free
Размер:7.78 Мб
Дата:06 июль 2018

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Алиса Гринь7 июля 2018 18:58
[Verse 1]
Standing here on my own
Yeah, the first step's the hardest when you're walking into the unknown
It's been dark, and it's been cold
Had my head in the clouds never knowing what lies down below

Then you spoke your truth with no secrets
Told me use your heart while it's beating

When you're right here beside me, there's nothing else I need
Your eyes keep me reminded that nothing's out of reach
When you're with me, it feels like I'm finally free
Feels like I'm finally free

[Verse 2]
I didn't know, didn't know what was real
Had to go to the edge and the ground just to see how it feels

Then you spoke your truth with no secrets
Told me use your heart while it's beating

When you're right here beside me, there's nothing else I need
Yeah, your eyes keep me reminded that nothing's out of reach
When you're with me, it feels like I'm finally free
(Wo woo)
Feel's like I'm finally free

I used to spend the nights looking at the stars
Wondering how to get there, is it just too far?
I used to spend the nights looking at the stars
Wondering how to get there, is it just too far?

But when you're right here beside me there's nothing else I need
Yeah, your eyes keep me reminded that nothing's out of reach
It's easy to believe
When you're with me it feels like I'm finally free
Oh yeah
It feels like I'm finally free
(Wo woo)
It feels like I'm finally free
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