Bring Me The Horizon - sugar honey ice tea

Исполнитель:Bring Me The Horizon
Название:sugar honey ice tea
Размер:9.98 Мб
Дата:29 июль 2019

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Текст песни Bring Me The Horizon - sugar honey ice tea

Count down to thunder I think we're too close for comfort So now don't rock the boat, don't calm the storm God already gave you his answer Blink, I'm sorry, it's over The whistle has been blown now Think you got the wrong number I'm breaking up Wanna make a connection Can't get no reception Leave a message after the tone 'Cause it's got my head running 24/7 I don't know if I can figure it out It's all messed up, only one thing I know for sure We're so full of Sugar, honey, ice, and tea Sugar, honey, ice, and tea Everybody's full of sugar, honey, ice, and tea Sugar, honey, ice, and tea Don't move a muscle No, we can't have a struggle But the situation is in control So play pretend that it's all good You could tell the Messiah His pants are on fire, I'll politely decline, ah I gotta go, I gotta stick my head in the sand Then block out all the sadness La la la la la la 'Cause it's got my head running 24/7 I don't know if can figure it out It's all messed up, only one thing I know for sure We're so full of Sugar, honey, ice, and tea Sugar, honey, ice, and tea Yeah, everybody's full of sugar, honey, ice, and tea Sugar, honey, ice, and tea And it's got my head running 24/7 I don't reckon I can figure it out It's all messed up, only one thing I know for sure We're so fucked And we all march on like we know the way to Heaven Who the hell died and made you the king We don't know what we want, but we know that we want it Yeah, we want it, yeah, we want it right now Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, oh Fuck you Everybody, everybody is full of Sugar, honey, ice, and tea Oh, and now everybody full of sugar, honey, ice, and tea Every, every, everybody full of sugar, honey, ice, and tea Oh, everybody full of sugar, honey, ice, and tea Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Клип: Bring Me The Horizon - sugar honey ice tea

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