Alexander Rybak - Give Me Rain

Исполнитель:Alexander Rybak
Название:Give Me Rain
Размер:8.39 Мб
Дата:04 июнь 2020

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Текст песни Alexander Rybak - Give Me Rain

Give me rain and I will dance Let me fall and I will rise There's no way I will give up I'm gonna keep on dancin' Just keep on dancin', yeah Give me, give me rain And I will dance, dance, dance, dance Give me, give me rain And I will dance, dance, dance, dance Despite the troubles on my way I'm crawlin' through the dark night Waiting for my sunshine All the demons I have faced They've only made me stronger Day by day Confusion (check) Depression (check) The never-ending questions (check) I believe, I believe, I believe they'll fade away (Away, away, away) The nightmares (check) Aggression (check) The dark hallucinations (check) I believe, I believe, I believe they'll fade away Give me rain and I will dance Let me fall and I will rise There's no way I will give up I'm gonna keep on dancin' Just keep on dancin', eh Give me, give me rain And I will dance, dance, dance, dance Give me, give me rain And I will dance, dance, dance, dance Fly away And if it's hopeless and your mind is gray Just close your eyes and let the music flow Tonight we learn how to let it go Yeah, just let it go Confusion (check) Depression (check) The never-ending questions (check) I believe, I believe, I believe they'll fade away (Away, away, away) The nightmares (check) Aggression (check) The dark hallucinations (check) I believe, I believe, I believe they'll fade away Give me rain and I will dance Let me fall and I will rise There's no way I will give up I'm gonna keep on dancin' Just keep on dancin', eh Give me, give me rain And I will dance, dance, dance, dance Give me, give me rain And I will dance, dance, dance, dance

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