KAZKA, ALEKSEEV - Till the End of Time

Название:Till the End of Time
Размер:8.06 Мб
Дата:04 январь 2021

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Текст песни KAZKA, ALEKSEEV - Till the End of Time

The sky's a witness, nothing left to doubt You'll stay beside, it's written in the stars We are like sparkles, shining in the dawn So high, we'll never touch the ground Hear my voice from now and till the end of time May it sound from here and to the other side And the wicked shadows sink into the sands May it be the place where our love stands Hear my voice from now and till the end of time May it sound from here and to the other side And the wicked shadows sink into the sands May the love begin and evil end One step away, I'll fall right into you Thanks for the way that you have guided me through They say “The happy ones ain't counting days” I'm free, there's no time to chase Hear my voice from now and till the end of time May it sound from here and to the other side And the wicked shadows sink into the sands May it be the place where our love stands Hear my voice from now and till the end of time May it sound from here and to the other side And the wicked shadows sink into the sands May the love begin and evil end

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