Biicla, MODENESS - Deeper

Исполнитель:Biicla, MODENESS
Размер:8.59 Мб
Дата:13 март 2020

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Алдар21 апреля 2020 18:25
Don't waste your time
With these sleepwalkers all around us
It's not a crime
If you find me in this dream of God's
We are all in a circle
Stupid circle, they call it life
You are mine, you're my hurricane
Little hurricane, but I hope you will dive

Deeper, deeper than your dreams
Deeper, deeper than your fears
Deeper, deeper than your mind

Don't hide your pride
From these strangers all around us
This endless night
I will find you in this dream of God's
We are all in a circle
Stupid circle, they call it life
You are mine, you're my hurricane
Little hurricane, but I hope you will dive

Deeper, deeper than your dreams
Deeper, deeper than your fears
Deeper, deeper than your mind
Oh, deeper, oh, deeper than all that you can find there
Of all that you can find there
Of all that you can find there
Of all that you can find there
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