KADI - Oh Honey

Название:Oh Honey
Размер:6.77 Мб
Дата:25 сентябрь 2020

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Текст песни KADI - Oh Honey

Don't whisper my name just say it loud I've heard you got all the papers to move on now I wonder if you know, I wonder if you care I winder if somebody got that story to tell Love, love Is that what holds you back? A night before I knew you were so soft Where do you go whe the night's The nights too long So loud in my head I got nothing to do with you So loud in my head I got nothing to do with you Why are you so loud in my head They risk They face demons They love but not kind Of love that you knew before Rules they gave And now you laugh at the jokes But not funny, are they? "Love is blind" is the last thing they'd say "Oh, honey, oh, honey, oh, honey" "Love is blind" is the last thing they'd say "Oh, honey, oh, honey, oh, honey" "Love is blind" is the last thing they'd say So loud in my head I got nothing to do with you Why are you so loud in my head I got nothing to do with you So loud in my head I got nothing to do with you Why are you so loud in my head I got nothing to do with you "Oh, honey, oh, honey, oh, honey" "Love is blind" is the last thing they'd say "Oh, honey, oh, honey, oh, honey" "Love is blind" is the last thing they'd say

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